We are lucky enough that we are equipped with sound
nutrition knowledge these days. Consider for a moment the problems of
malnutrition in earlier days. When Vasco da Gama returned from his sea route journey,
rounded the Cape of Good Hope he accompanied
only one third crew, rest died of scurvy. In the late 19th century,
nearly 40% of seamen in the Japanese Navy died of beriberi. Same the time in Italy, the
reported cases of Pellagra exceeded 104,000. This all resulted in the increased
activities in nutritional research.
Earlier Approach for Public Health Nutrition
Prior to World War1 research and hence the knowledge was
limited for prevention or alleviation of dietary deficiency diseases in the
individual. Citrus fruits and juices were preferred to seamen, and later to
children, to treat and prevent scurvy. Cod liver oil was used in treating
rickets. Extracts of rice polishing were used in treating beriberi.
An organized public health approach was planned in many
countries including USA.
They planned distribution of preventative dietary supplements, such as cod
liver oil, butter and iodized salt. During this period isolation of Vitamins
progressed; and just prior to World War 2, it became possible to improve staple
food with synthetic nutrients as a means of preventing dietary diseases in
large population.
On a growing scale, Vitamin D was added to milk and Vitamin
A to margarine. Thus, the principle being used in the control of Goiter with
iodized salt. Same broad approach was applied to the prevention of beriberi,
pellagra, ariboflavinosis, and iron deficiency anemia, when enriched bread and
floor were introduced.
Enrichment, Education and Research
Enrichment of food is a powerful weapon against malnutrition,
but it must not become the sole or final effort. Nutritional research must be
intensified and solid effort for its education is essential step towards the
total elimination of nutritional diseases. Many nations have adapted latest
technologies to eliminate nutritional health problems under the worldwide
programs initiated by WHO like organization. They have implemented various
programs for public health nutrition.
For successful public health nutrition program cooperation
between industry and Government is prime necessity that none can ignore at any
cost. Similarly cooperation between educational institute and government is
fruitful. If educational institutes conduct research and draw useful conclusions
and develop therapies does not reach to the public then their effort is useless
therefore it is necessary to develop a program to convey the effort of
educational institutes to the public by and large.
The physician, health officer, nurse, teacher and other key
persons in community should participate actively and guide individuals and
institutions in selecting the right foods. In commercial advertisement, a
greater effort should be made to show the proper relationship of the promoted
product to good nutrition as a whole.
House wife must be prime target of the program because she
select and prepare the food so she must be taught good habits. Since the food
value changes seasonally and geographically it must be determined economically.
Thus, economical growth of the nation is key determination of public health